About Us

Thrift become increasingly famous in recent years. However, buying brand-new can be expensive and may only fit some people’s budgets. This is where thrifting comes in. Thrifting involves buying second-hand and pre-loved clothing at a reduced cost. It helps reduce waste in the fashion industry and gives access to more affordable and unique.

Our Shop

 The store offers a combination of styles to choose from, including bohemian, festival, and retro-inspired looks. It aims to promote sustainable fashion by providing affordable, stylish clothing options that reduce the need for new fast-fashion items.

Fashion Illustration
Fashion Consulting

The store also features a rewards program that allows customers to earn points towards future purchases for their sustainable shopping efforts. Clothing Thrift is committed to giving back to the residents and donates a portion of their profits to different environmental and social justice organizations. Overall, Clothing Thrift provides a fun, unique shopping experience that aligns with the values of conscious consumerism.


Genne Rose

Founder of The Store


Our Vision & Mission

We offer sustainable and affordable fashion through high-quality vintage clothing sourced from reputable secondhand shops. Join us in creating a kinder and more sustainable fashion world, one piece at a time.

Our Goals

By shopping with us, you help reduce the environmental impact of fast fashion while promoting stylish and sustainable clothing. Plus, a portion of our profits supports sustainability and fashion education in our community.

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Professional Designer
Our Team

Meet With Professional Designer

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Do You Want Custom Project With Fashly? Contact Us Now

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